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Research Engineer

Professional thesis Auvergne University (France),  Clermont-Ferrand, 2006

PhD in Applied Biology at the National Agronomic Institute of Paris-Grignon, 1987

National Institute of Agronomy, option Agri-Food (ENSAT), Toulouse, 1985


Fields of research

Energy balance and consequences of body weight

Behaviours of physical activities and eating

Use of Bioinformatics to collect, store and analyse behaviour data aquired in free-living conditions

Lipid-Energy Homeostasis Control and  Obesity Team INRA-Unit of Human Nutrition Resarch



Conceive and coordinate research programs on energy expenditure and intake prediction



Physiological determinants in energy expenditure

Emotional determinants in eating behaviour, sensory analysis



I worked one year in a applied technical food center (Agrotech, Agen), then 15 years in the Meat Research Unit (sensory analysis and consumer preference Team) anf finally 7 years in the Human Nutrition Research Unit.


Scientific collaborations

Laboratory of computer science, modeling and optimization of systems (LIMOS, CNRS UMR 6158, Clermont-Ferrand, France)

Research Center in nutrition Research (CRNH d'Auvergne & Rhône-Alpes)

Laboratory of Applied Mathematics (University B Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France)

Laboratory of Social Psychology (LAPSCO,  CNRS UMR 6024, Clermont-Ferrand, France)

Hospitals of Clermont-Ferrand and Saint-Etienne (France)






  • BMIPredict (commencé le 07/04/2021, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • Confinement et comportements (commencé le 01/04/2020, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • Evaluation calorique d'une portion (commencé le 01/01/2020, durée : 1 an). Plus d'infos
  • Acceptabilité de WellBeNet (commencé le 01/01/2019, durée : 1 an). Plus d'infos
  • IdealRestau (commencé le 08/12/2015, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • WellBeNet (commencé le 01/07/2012, durée : 3 ans). Plus d'infos
  • ActivCollector (commencé le 01/04/2011, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • Wrigley_1 (commencé le 01/01/2011, durée : 1 an). Plus d'infos
  • Finder2E (commencé le 01/01/2009, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • Mastical (commencé le 01/01/2009, durée : 4 ans). Plus d'infos
  • Modelheart (commencé le 01/01/2008, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • FACEEXPRESS (commencé le 01/01/2006, durée : 3 ans). Plus d'infos
  • EMOTION_VIANDE (commencé le 01/01/2004, durée : 2 ans). Plus d'infos
  • ROQUETTE_FIBRES (commencé le 01/01/2004, durée : 3 ans). Plus d'infos
  • AIP_FER (commencé le 01/01/2001, durée : 3 ans). Plus d'infos
  • AQS_CONNAISSANCES_NUTRITIONNELLES (commencé le 01/01/1998, durée : 4 ans). Plus d'infos

  • Rousset S, Angelo A, Hamadouche T & Lacomme P. (2023). Weight Status Prediction Using a Neuron Network Based on Individual and Behavioral Data. Healthcare 11, (1101), 1-10, doi:
  • Rousset S, Level A, François F, Muller L. (2022). Behavioral and Emotional Changes One Year after the First Lockdown Induced by COVID-19 in a French Adult Population. Healthcare 10, (1042), 1-11, doi: 10.3390/healthcare10061042.
  • FillolF, Paris L, Pascal S, Mulliez A, Roques CF, Rousset S, Duclos M. (2022). Possible impact of a 12-month web and smartphone-based program to improve long-term physical activity in patients attending spa-therapy: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, doi:
  • Paris L, Duclos M, Fillol F, Rousset S. (2022). Effectiveness of a supervised PA program on behavioral and motivational profiles and health in obese and non-obese patients with chronic disease . International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1, (1), 1-18, doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2021.2025136.
  • S Rousset, M Douarre, A Poyet, F Bounechada, A Descouls, C Girardin, B Pereira, F Dutheil. (2022). Objective evaluation of the first post-lockdown on physical activity, sedentary behavior and food choice in a group of French adult students. Preventive Medicine Reports 28, (101863), 1-7, doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101863.
  • S Rousset, S Médard, G Fleury, A Fardet, O Goutet, P Lacomme. (2021). Energy intake evaluation by a learning approach using the number of food portions and body weight. Foods 10, (10), 2301.
  • N Drancourt-Lescure, S Rousset , V Pichot, Y Boirie 2, M-A Peyron . (2020). Involvement of mastication and food texture in postprandial thermogenesis in obesity: role of a cephalic phase reflex mediated by autonomic nervous system. 2020 conferences of TranPyrenean investigations on Obesity Awards 1, 1.
  • Rousset S, Coyault Abele D, Benoit M, Zemni R, Lacomme P, Fleury G. (2020). Spontaneous Physical Activity and Sedentary Patterns Analyzed in a General Population of Adults by the eMouve Application. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 T. Ahram et al. (Eds.) 1152, 363–368, doi:
  • Paris L, Guidoux R, Saboul D, Duclos M, Boirie Y, Rousset S.. (2019). Comparison of Active and Sedentary Bout Lengths in Normal and Overweight Adults using eMouveRecherche. International Journal of Sports and Exercice Medicine 5, (11), 151-160, doi: 10.23937/2469-5718/1510151.
  • Boudet G, Chausse P, Thivel D, Rousset S, Marmillod M, Baker JS, Parreira M, Esquirol Y, Duclos M, Dutheil F. (2019). How to measure sedentary behavior at work? Frontiers in Public Health 7, 1-12, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00167 .
  • Paris L, Duclos M, Fillol F, Rousset S . (2019). Impact d’un programme d’activité physique sur la santé, les profils intentionnels, motivationnels, comportementaux des patients chroniques. 5èmes journées francophones de la recherche en soins, Angers.
  • Paris L, Duclos M, Fillol F, Rousset S. (2019). Acceptance of ICTs for health and/or physical activity monitoring in patients with chronic diseases. Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education 2, (3), 50-58.
  • Paris L, Fardet A, Duclos M, Fillol F & Rousset S. (2018). Effectiveness of information and communication technologies to promote physical activity in patients with chronic diseases: a systematic review of reviews. Report.
  • Maillard F, Rousset S, Pereira B, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Boisseau N. (2018). High intensity interval training is more effective than moderate intensity continuous in reducing abdominal fat mass in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover study. Diabetes & Metabolism 44, (6), 516-517, doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2018.09.001.
  • Rousset S, Guidoux R, Paris L, Farigon N, Boirie Y, Lacomme P, Phan R, Ren L, Saboul D & Duclos M. (2018). eMouveRecherche: the first scientific application to promote light-intensity activity for the prevention of chronic diseases. Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3, (1), 1-6, doi: 10.15761/BEM.1000133.
  • Cissoko J, Duclos M, Fardet A, Lacomme P, Paris L, Régnier F & Rousset S. (2017). La santé personnalisée : les objets connectés pour adopter de nouveaux comportements. Pratiques en Nutrition 50, 30-36, doi: 10.1016/j.pranut.2017.03.007.
  • Guidoux R, Duclos M, Fleury G, Lacomme P, Lamaudière N, Saboul D, Ren L & Rousset S. (2017). The eMouveRecherche application competes with research devices to evaluate energy expenditure, physical activity and still time in free-living conditions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 69, 128-134, doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2017.04.005.
  • Rousset S, Guidoux R, Paris L, Farigon N, Miolanne M, Lahaye C, Duclos M, Boirie Y & Saboul D. (2017). A novel smartphone accelerometer application for low-intensity activity and energy expenditure estimations in overweight and obese adults. Journal of Medical Systems 41, (117), 1-10, doi: 10.1007/s10916-017-0763-y.
  • Paris L, Duclos M, Guidoux R & Rousset S . (2016). Evaluation of physical activity and energy expenditure in overweight and obese adults. International Journal of Sports and Exercice Medicine 2, (3), 1-6.
  • Maillard F, Rousset S, Pereira B, Traore A, Pradel Del Amaze P, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Boisseau N . (2016). High intensity interval training reduces abdominal fat mass in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes & Metabolism 42, (6), 433-441, doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2016.07.031.
  • Duclos M, Fleury G, Lacomme P, Phan R, Ren L, Rousset S . (2016). An acceleration vector variance based method for energy expenditure estimation in real-life environment with a Smartphone/Smartwatch integration. Expert Systems with Applications 63, 435-449, doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.07.021.
  • Rousset S, Fardet A, Lacomme P, Normand S, Montaurier C, Boirie Y & Morio, B. (2015). Comparison of total energy expenditure assessed by two devices in controlled and free-living conditions. European Journal of Sport Science 15, (5), 391-399, doi: 10.1080/17461391.2014.949309.
  • Duclos M, Fleury G, Guidoux R, Lacomme P, Lamaudière N, Manenq P-H, Paris L, Ren L, Rousset S. (2015). Use of smartphone accelerometers and signal energy for estimating energy expenditure in daily-living conditions. Current Biotechnology 4, (1), 4-15, doi:
  • Cissoko J, Boirie Y, Duclos M, Fardet A, Guidoux R, Paris L, Phan R, Ren L, Rousset S.. (2015). NutriQuantic : a smartphone application to determine the adequacy of food intake to nutritional requirements. . 6èmes Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique & Mathématiques 6, 1.
  • Allais S, Levéziel H, Hocquette J-F, Rousset S, Denoyelle C, Journaux L, Renand G. (2014). Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci underlying sensory meat quality traits in three French breeds. Journal of Animal Science 92, (10), 4329-4341.
  • Guidoux R, Duclos M, Fleury G, Lacomme P, Lamaudière N, Manenq P-H, Paris L, Ren L, Rousset S. (2014). A smartphone-driven methodology for estimating physical activities and energy expenditure in free living conditions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 52, 271-278, doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2014.07.009.
  • Guidoux R, Boualit R, Duclos M, Fleury G, Lacomme P, Lamaudière N, Rousset S. (2013). Conception d'une nouvelle fonction d'estimation de la dépense énergétique adaptée aux smartphones et aux conditions habituelles de vie. Nutrition clinique et métabolisme 27, S57.
  • Adechian S, Balage M, Remond D, Migne C, Quignard-Boulange A, Marset-Baglieri A, Rousset S, Boirie Y, Gaudichon C, Dardevet D, Mosoni L. (2012). Protein feeding pattern, casein feeding, or milk-soluble protein feeding did not change the evolution of body composition during a short-term weight loss program. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 303, E973-E982.
  • Barthomeuf L, Droit-Volet S, Rousset, S. (2012). How emotions expressed by adults' faces affect the desire to eat liked and disliked foods in children compared to adults. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 30, 253-266, doi: 10.1111/j.2044-835X.2011.02033.x.
  • Batisse-Lignier M, Rousset S, Labbé A, Boirie Y. (2012). Growth velocity in infancy influences resting energy expenditure in 12-14 year-old obese adolescents. Clinical Nutrition 31, (5), 625-629, doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2012.03.001.
  • Allais S, Journaux L, Levéziel H, Payet-Duprat N, Raynaud P, Hocquette JF, Lepetit J, Rousset S, Denoyelle C, Bernard-Capel C and Renand G. (2011). Effects of polymorphisms in the calpastatin and µ-calpain genes on meat tenderness in three French beef breeds. Journal of Animal Science 89, 1-11, doi: 10.2527/jas.2010-3063.
  • Barthomeuf L, Droit-Volet S, Rousset S. (2011). Differences in the desire to eat in children and adults in the presence of an obese eater. Obesity 19, (5), 939-945, doi: 10.1038/oby.2011.26.
  • Thivel D, Isacco L, Rousset S, Boirie Y, Morio B, Duché P. (2011). Intensive exercise: a remedy for childhood obesity? Physiology & behavior 102, (2), 132-6.
  • Thivel D, Isacco L, Taillardat M, Rousset S, Boirie Y, Morio B, Duché P. (2011). Gender effect on exercise-induced energy intake modifification among obese adolescents. Appetite 56, (3), 658-661, doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2011.02.020.
  • Barthomeuf L, Rousset S, Droit-Volet S. (2010). The desire to eat in the presence of obese or normal-weight eaters as a function of their emotional facial expression. Obesity 18, (4), 719-724.
  • Allais S, Leveziel H, Payet N, Hocquette JF, Lepetit J, Rousset S, Denoyelle C, Capel C, Journaux L, Bonnot A & Renand G. (2010). The two mutations Q204X and nt821 of the myostatin gene affect carcass and meat quality in young heterozygous bulls of three French beef breeds. Journal of Animal Science 88, (2), 446-454.
  • Gil S, Rousset S, Droit-Volet S. (2009). How liked and disliked food affect time perception? Emotion 9, (4), 457-63.
  • Barthomeuf L, Rousset S, Droit-Volet S. (2009). Emotion and food: Do the emotions expressed on other people's faces affect the desire to eat liked and disliked food products? Appetite 52, (1), 27-33, doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2008.07.002.
  • Barthomeuf L, Droit-Volet S, Rousset S. (2008). Obesity and emotions: differentiation in emotions felt towards food between obese, overweight and normal-weight adolescents. Food Quality and Preference 20, 62-68, doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2008.07.005.
  • Rousset S, Schlich P, Chatonnier A, Barthomeuf L, Droit-Volet S. (2008). Is the desire to eat familiar and unfamiliar meat products influenced by the emotions expressed on eaters' faces? Appetite 50, (1), 110-119.
  • Narchi I, Walrand S, Boirie Y, Rousset S. (2008). Emotions generated by food in French elderly people. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 12, (9), 626-633.
  • Audebert O, Deiss V, Rousset S. (2006). Hedonism as a predictor of attitudes of young French women towards meat. Appetite 46, (3), 239-247.
  • Rousset S, Droit-Volet S, Boirie Y. (2006). Change in protein intake in elderly French people living at home after a nutritional information program targeting protein consumption. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106, (2), 253-261.
  • Rousset S, Deiss V, Juillard E, Schlich P, Droit-Volet S. (2005). Emotions generated by meat and other food products in women. British Journal of Nutrition 94, (4), 609-619.
  • Chatard-Pannetier A, Rousset S, Bonin D, Guillaume S, Droit-Volet S. (2004). Nutritional knowledge and concerns about meat of elderly French people in the aftermath of the crises over BSE and foot-and-mouth. Appetite 42, (2), 175-183.
  • Rousset S, Patureau Mirand P, Brandolini M, Martin JF, Boirie Y. (2003). Daily protein intakes and eating patterns in young and elderly French. British Journal of Nutrition 90, (6), 1107-1115.
  • Rousset S, Brandolini M, Martin JF, Droit-volet S, Bonin D, Lhoutellier P, Simon H, Grandjean V And Boirie Y. (2003). Protein intake of young and elderly French people living at home. Sciences des Aliments 23, 56-60.
  • Rousset S, Brandolini M, Martin JF, Bonin D, Lhoutellier P, Simon H, Grandjean V, Boirie Y, Droit-volet S. (2002). Des représentations différentes vis-à-vis de l'alimentation, de la viande et de la santé chez les personnes jeunes et âgées. Age et Nutrition 13, (2), 1-12.
  • Rousset S, Jolivet P. (2002). Discrepancy between the expected and actual acceptability of meat products, eggs and fish : the case of older consumers. Journal of Sensory Studies 17, 61-75.
  • Rousset S, Martin JF. (2001). An effective hedonic analysis tool : weak/strong points. Journal of Sensory Studies 16, (6), 619-641.
  • Rousset S, Martin JF, Pons B. (1999). Identifying objective characteristics able to predict clusters produced by sensory attributes in cooked rice. Journal of Texture Studies 30, 509-532.
  • Coutron-Gambotti C, Gandemer G, Rousset S, Maestrini O, Casabianca F. (1999). Reducing salt content of dry-cured ham: effect of lipid composition and sensory attributes. Food Chemistry 64, 13-19.
  • Monin G, Larzul C, Le Roy P, Culioli J, Mourot J, Rousset-Akrim S, Talman A, Touraille C, Sellier P. (1999). Effects of the halothane genotype and slaughter weight on texture of pork. Journal of Animal Science 77, 408-415.
  • Jolivet P, Rousset S, Touraille C. (1998). Etude des préférences des personnes âgées pour les produits carnés et assimilés en comparaison avec celles de sujets jeunes. Viandes et Produits carnés 19, (2), 105-110.
  • Rousset S, Martin JF, Bayle MC, Berdagué JL. (1997). Comparison between an odour profile and a flavour profile of dry fermented sausages. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 32, 539-546.
  • Young OA, Berdague JL, Viallon C, Rousset S, Terriez, M. (1997). Fat-borne volatiles and sheepmeat odour. Meat Science 45, (2), 183-200.
  • Rousset S, Young OA, Berdague JL. (1997). Diet and growth effects in panel assessment of sheepmeat odour and flavour. Meat Science 45, (2), 169-181.
  • Rousset S, Got F, Bayle MC, Culioli J. (1996). Influence of CaCl2 and NaCl injections on the texture and flavour of beef. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 31, 333-343.
  • Rousset S, Martin JF, Bayle MC, Touraille C. (1996). Etude des préférences des consommateurs de l'Europe du Sud pour le jambon sec. Viandes et Produits carnés 17, (6), 361-364.
  • Got F, Berge P, Vignon X, Rousset S, Culioli J. (1996). Intérêt du chlorure de calcium sur l'accélération de la maturation et la tendreté de la viande bovine. Viandes et Produits carnés 17, (3), 101-107.
  • Rousset S, Bayle MC, Martin JF, Touraille C. (1995). Influence du mode de préparation sur le taux de fonte et les caractéristiques sensorielles du foie gras d'oie. Sciences des Aliments 15, (2), 151-165.
  • Rousset S, Pons B, Pilandon C. (1995). Relationships between the texture profile, grain physico-chemical characteristics and instrumental measurements of cooked rice. Journal of Texture Studies 26, (2), 119-135.
  • Rousset S, Martin JF, Pilandon C, Touraille C. (1995). Research of selective tests for discerning an efficient assessor in texture profiling. Journal of Sensory Studies 10, (1), 217-237.
  • Rousset S, Bayle MC, Martin JF, Touraille C. (1994). Comment distinguer par évaluation sensorielle les foies gras d'oie et de canard? Etude préliminaire. Sciences des Aliments 14, (6), 777-784.
  • Rousset S, Bayle MC, Martin JF, Touraille C. (1993). Etudes des caractéristiques sensorielles d'apparence, de texture et d'arômes des foies gras d'oie et de canard. Viandes et Produits carnés 14, (4), 103-108.
  • Berdagué JL, Bonnaud N, Rousset S, Touraille C. (1992). Influence of pig crossbreed on the composition, volatile compound content and flavour of dry cured ham. Meat Science 34, 119-129.
  • Rousset S, Renerre M. (1991). Effect of CO2 or vacuum packaging on normal and high pH meat shelf-life. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 26, 641-652.
  • Rousset S, Schlich P, Touraille C. (1990). Traitement statistique de profil sensoriel des jambons secs par analyse procustéenne généralisée. Viandes et Produits carnés 11, (6), 317-318.
  • Rousset S, Renerre M. (1990). Comparaison des modes de conservation sous CO2 et sous vide de la viande bovine à pH normal et à pH élevé. Viandes et Produits carnés 11, (6), 277-278.
  • Rousset S, Renerre M. (1990). Comparison of different packaging systems for the storage of fresh beef meat in carbon dioxide atmosphere with or without residual oxygen. Sciences des Aliments 10, 737-747.
  • Rousset S, Schlich P. (1989). Amylase production in submerged culture using principal component analysis. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 68, (5), 339-343.