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Voir ses publications

Anthony FARDET

INRA - UMR1019, Unit of Human Nutrition

Clermont-Ferrand/Theix Research Center

63122 Saint-Genès Champanelle



Date of birth: 30th of June 1969

Tel: +33(0)4-73-62-47-04

Fax: +33(0)4-73-62-47-55

E-mail :


Education & Degrees


  • 1998: PhD in Nutrition, University of Aix-Marseille, France
  • 1992: Engineer diploma in Agro-food industry, Nutrition and Food Science specializations, AgroParisTech, Paris-Grignon, France
  • 1987: Baccalauréat D Biology & life sciences, with "High honors"


Professional experiences


  • From Decembre 2003: Researcher at INRA of Clermont-Ferrand/Theix, JRU1019 - Unit of Human Nutrition, France: Research Scientist in Human Nutrition (CR1): Primary preventive and holistic nutrition; Characterization of the health potential of foods ; role of plant-based products and their bioactive compounds in the prevention of metabolic diseases: focus was first on cereal products, antioxidants, polyphenols and lipotropes


  • 2001 - 2003: Various activities (trainee director in supermarket, temporary worker in numerous jobs including teacher in natural sciences at secondary school, telemarketing, mass-market retailing, …)


  • 1998 - 2000: Post-doctorant at Danone in collaboration with INRA: Improvement of the nutritional value of three biscuits and cakes via ingredients and processes and study of their in vitro digestion fate


  • Novembre 1994 - January 1998: PhD at INRA Nantes, Unit of Digestive Functions and Human Nutrition (& teaching at the Science University of Nantes): Influence of physical structure and physico-chemical properties of the pasta protein network on starch enzyme accessibility and digestion


  • July 1993 - August 1994 (shortened due to civil war): Scientific volunteer at IRD (French Institute for Research and Development) Congo-Brazzaville: Weaning flour development


  • October 1992 - June 1993: Master in Nutrition at University of Aix-Marseille (France): Influence of physico-chemical properties, of in vivo and in vitro gastro-intestinal digestion and of endogenous substances on fermentative fate of three types of fibre


Fields of expertise: preventive and holistic nutrition; health potential of plant products and their bioactive compounds (e.g. antioxidants, lipotropes, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, phytosterols, complex carbohydrates and fibre) and physiological/metabolic mechanisms involved; grain products and their digestive and metabolic fate; writing of scientific articles; database management and regular updates; scientific monitoring; statistical analyses

Member of ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety) as expert in Human nutrition for the mandate 2012-2015

Member of the Editorial Board of World Nutrition, Food and Nutrition Science, Researches in Health and Nutrition journals, Journal of Nutritional Health, Food Engineering & Advances in Nutrition and Food technology, International Journal of Nutrition & International Journal of Food science, Nutrition and Dietetics

Member of the transversal INRA Cereal sector (coordinator of the Processing, health potential and consumer group), French Society of Nutrition (SFN), Société Francophone Vitamines & Biofacteurs (SFVB) and French Seed Biology Network

Peer-reviewer for 40 journals (mean impact factor: 2.5)

Languages: French (native tongue), English (oral: almost fluent; writting: good - scientific), German (notions)

Scientific animation & vulgarization:

Animation of a 2-hours workshop on the researcher's job position in La Charme college of Clermont-Ferrand (Auvergne, france) on the 29th of January, 2015.

Animation of a stand at Exposcience 2014, Clermont-Ferrand and of a debate about nutrition with students

Animation of a scientific debate following the film projection “La santé dans l’assiette” at Capitole cinema, Clermont-Ferrand

Animation of a one-hour health and nutrition workshop in Saint-Genes-Champanelle Primary school (6-11 years old) on the 10 of December, 2013

Coordination and edition of a collective book at the interface of Food Science and Human Nutrition INRA departments involving 56 scientists (Publishers: QUAE Editions)

Writting papers for journals dedicated to different types of readers (scientific community, large public including physicians and students)

Presentation of various courses for university students (first and second year, Master and PhD)

Discussion of nutritional science with bakers, very young pupils, university students and general public during various scientific meetings and manifestations (e.g. Salon International de l’Agriculture 2013)

Writing of 14 definitions for a book dedicated to bread (Robert Laffont Editor)

Organisation of a one-day scientific meeting at INRA Nantes between French and Dutch PhD students (Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 1997) 



Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting (Montpellier, May 2-4 2007): Price from Puratos Society for the best oral presentation: Whole-grain and refined wheat flours show distinct metabolic profiles in rats as assessed by a 1H NMR-based metabonomic approach

French Concours Général in Biology (June 1987): First place at the national level: Discuss the gene notion

French Baccalauréat (“A”Level) in Biology (July 1987): Mention “Très-bien” (with High Honours)


Interests & Activities

Music (pop & rock, world & celt, rock & folk, electronic), photography (INRA ADAS photo club), reading (historic, science fiction and police novels, biographies & philosophy) and general information. I also enjoy travelling and encountering people of different culture (countries or cities visited are Spain, Portugal, Greece, Germany, The Netherlands, Congo-Brazzaville, Japan, Albuquerque, Minneapolis, New-York, London, Brussels, Budapest, Vienna, Lisbon and London). I like animals very much, especially felines (but I hate cockroaches: sorry!)

  • A. Fardet. (2016). Editorial - Towards a more Holistic Vision of Human Nutrition to Prevent from Diet-Related Chronic Diseases: The Reductionist Drift. International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (IJFS) 5, (1), 1-2.
  • Y. Soustre, A. Fardet. (2016). Produits laitiers & maladies chroniques. CNIEL, Questions Sur 58, 1-8.
  • Fardet Anthony. (2016). Voici pourquoi l’alimentation industrielle cause des maladies chroniques. Reporterre, doi:
  • A. Fardet. (2015). Nutrients, nutrition, nourishment. See and enjoy food whole. World Nutrition 6, (4), 269-279.
  • A. Fardet, E. Rock. (2015). The healthy core metabolism: a new paradigm for primary preventive nutrition. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging 20, In press.
  • A. Fardet Anne Morise, Esther Kalonji, Irène Margaritis, François Mariotti. (2015). Influence of phytosterol and phytostanol food supplementation on plasma liposoluble vitamins and provitamin A carotenoid levels in humans: An updated review of the evidence. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 56, In press.
  • A. Fardet. (2015). Nutrient bioavailability and kinetics of release is a neglected key issue when comparing complex food versus supplement health potential. Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering 2, (1), 45.
  • Anthony Fardet, Yves Boirie. (2015). Association entre groupes d’aliments et risques de maladies chroniques : vers une nutrition préventive globale applicable à la santé ? Cholé-doC 143, 1-4, doi:
  • A. Fardet. (2015). Chapter 16: Whole grains and metabolic syndrome. In « Nutritional intervention in metabolic syndrome ». Edited by Isaias Dichi and Andréa Name Colado Simao. Publishers: CRC Press, Boca Ra.
  • A. Fardet. (2015). Complex foods versus functional foods, nutraceuticals and dietary supplements: differential health impact (Part 2). Agro FOOD Industry hi-tech 26, (3), 20-22.
  • A. Fardet. (2015). Wheat-based foods and non celiac gluten/wheat sensitivity: is drastic processing the main key issue? Medical Hypotheses, doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2015.09.007.
  • A. Fardet. (2015). La nutrition est une science holistique par essence. La Revue Française Laitière 756, 13.
  • A. Fardet & E. Rock. (2015). Vers une approche plus holistique de la nutrition. Les Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, doi: 10.1016/j.cnd.2015.10.004 1-7.
  • A. Fardet, E. Rock, J. Bassama, P. Bohuon, P. Prabhasankar, C. Monteiro, J.-C. Moubarac, N. Achir. (2015). Current food classification in epidemiological studies does not enable reaching solid nutritional recommendations for preventing diet-related chronic diseases: the impact of food processing. Advances in Nutrition 6, (6), 629-638.
  • B. Morio, A. Fardet, P. Legrand, J.-M. Lecerf. (2015). Role of dietary saturated fats, from all sources or of dairy origin only, in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Nutrition Reviews, doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuv043.
  • A. Fardet, E. Rock. (2015). From a reductionist to a holistic approach in preventive nutrition to define new and more ethical paradigms. Healthcare 3, (4), 1054-1063, doi: 10.3390/healthcare3041054.
  • A. Fardet. (2015). Project Phoenix. Shifts to a holistic paradigm. World Nutrition 6, (9-10), 747-750.
  • Christian Rémésy, Anthony Fardet. (2015). The need for eco-vegetarian diets. World Nutrition 6, (9-10), 704-710.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Editorial - Foods and health potential: is food engineering the key issue? Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering 1, (5), 1.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Diets for preventing hepatic steatosis. In « Hepatic steatosis: Clinical risk factors, molecular mechanisms and treatment ou.
  • A. Fardet & Y. Boirie. (2014). Une approche holistique pour étudier les relations entre maladies chroniques et métabolismes dérégulés associés. Nutritions & endocrinologie 12, (65), 41-44.
  • E. Rock, A. Fardet. (2014). Les antioxydants des agrumes : action en solitaire ou matricielle? Phytothérapie 12, 66-75.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Nutrition science theory and practice. The parts and the whole. World Nutrition 5, (9), 799-801.
  • C. Rémésy, F. Leenhardt, A. Fardet. (2014). Donner un nouvel avenir au pain dans le cadre d’une alimentation durable et préventive. Les Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique, doi: 10.1016/j.cnd.2014.07.005.
  • A. Fardet & Y. Boirie. (2014). Déséquilibre alimentaire - Les relations entre les grands groupes d’aliments et les principales maladies chroniques. Nutrition Infos 40, 27-32.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). A shift toward a new holistic paradigm will help to preserve and better process grain product food structure for improving their health effects. Food & Function, doi: 10.1039/C4FO00477A .
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Are technological processes the best friends of food health potential? Advances in Nutrition and Food Technology 1, (1), 103.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Procédés technologiques, valeurs santé des aliments et diabète de type 2. Médecine des Maladies Métaboliques 8, (6), 1.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Sucres lents, préhydrolyse, germination et préfermentation des matrices végétales. Information diététique 3, 30-44.
  • A. Fardet, Y. Boirie. (2014). Associations between food and beverage groups and major diet-related chronic diseases: an exhaustive review of pooled/meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Nutrition Reviews 72, (12), 1, doi: 10.1111/nure.12153.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Complex foods versus functional foods, nutraceuticals and dietary supplements: differential health impact (Part 1). Agro FOOD Industry hi-tech 26, (2), In press.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). How can both the health potential and sustainability of cereal products be improved? A French perspective. Journal of Cereal Science 60, 1.
  • S. Rousset, A. Fardet, P. Lacomme, S. Normand, C. Montaurier, Y. Boirie, B. Morio. (2014). Comparison of total energy expenditure assessed by two devices in controlled and free-living conditions. Advances in Nutrition 14, 1.
  • A. Fardet, Y. Boirie. (2014). Food groups and beverages against major diet-related chronic diseases: A state of the art based on an exhaustive review of meta/pooled analyses and systematic reviews. Nutrition Reviews 72, (12), 1.
  • A. Fardet, E. Rock. (2014). The search for a new paradigm to study micronutrient and phytochemical bioavailability: from reductionism to holism. Medical Hypotheses 82, (2), 181-186.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). New Approaches to Studying the Potential Health Benefits of Cereals: From Reductionism to Holism. Cereal Foods World 59, (5), 224-229.
  • A. Fardet. (2014). Editorial - Grain-based products, food structure and health potential: holism vs reductionism. Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering 1, (1), 1-2.
  • A. Fardet, E. Rock. (2014). Towards a new philosophy of preventive nutrition: from a reductionist to holistic paradigm to improve nutritional recommendations. Advances in Nutrition 5, (4), 430-446.
  • Anthony Fardet. (2013). Whole Grains from a Mechanistic View. Cereal Foods World, doi: 1-3.
  • A. Fardet. (2013). Editorial - Open Special Issues: Public Health Nutrition Initiatives. Food and Nutrition Sciences 4, 1-1.
  • A. Fardet, Y. Boirie. (2013). Associations between diet-related diseases and impaired physiological mechanisms: a holistic approach based on meta-analyses to identify targets for preventive nutrition. Nutrition Reviews 71, (10), 643-656.
  • A. Fardet, J.-F. Martin, J.-M. Chardigny . (2013). Le potentiel lipotropique des aliments pour prévenir la stéatose hépatique. Nutritions & endocrinologie 60, (11), 82-86.
  • Fardet Anthony, Martin Jean-François, Chardigny Jean-Michel. (2012). Caractérisation du potentiel lipotropique des produits alimentaires d’origine végétale. Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique 47, 291-302.
  • Fardet A & Chardigny J-M. (2012). Plant-based foods as a source of lipotropes for human nutrition: A survey of in vivo studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2010.549596.
  • Fardet A, Martin J-F & Chardigny J-M. (2011). Lipotropic capacity of raw plant-based foods: A new index that reflects their lipotrope density profile. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 24, (6), 895-915.
  • Fardet A, Martin J-F & Chardigny J-M. (2011). Thermal and refining processes, not fermentations, tend to reduce lipotropic capacity of plant-based foods. Food & Function 2, (8), 483-504.
  • Fardet A. (2010). New hypotheses for the protective mechanisms of whole-grain cereals: what is beyond fiber? Nutrition Research Reviews 23, (2), 65-134.
  • Lioger D, Fardet A, Foassert P, Davicco M-J, Mardon J, Gaillard-Martinie B & Rémésy C. (2009). Influence of sourdough prefermentation, of steam cooking suppression and of decreased sucrose content during wheat flakes processing on the plasma glucose and insulin responses and satiety of healthy subjects. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 28, (1), 30-36.
  • Fardet A, Rock E & Rémésy C. (2008). Is the in vitro antioxidant potential of whole-grain cereals and cereal products well reflected in vivo? Journal of Cereal Science 48, (2), 258-276.
  • Fardet A, Llorach R, Martin J-F, Besson C, Lyan B, Pujos E & Scalbert A. (2008). A LC-QTof-based metabolomic approach reveals new metabolic effects of catechin in rats fed high-fat diets. Journal of Proteome Research 7, (6), 2388-2398.
  • Fardet A, Llorach R, Orsoni A, Martin J-F, Pujos E & Scalbert A. (2008). Metabolomics provide new insight on the metabolism of dietary phytochemicals in rat. Journal of Nutrition 138, (7), 1282-1287.
  • Leenhardt F, Fardet A, Lyan B, Gueux E, Rock E, Mazur A, Chanliaud E, Demigné C & Rémésy C. (2008). Wheat Germ Supplementation of a Low Vitamin E Diet in Rats Affords Effective Antioxidant Protection in Tissues. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 27, (2), 222-228.
  • Lioger D, Fardet A & Rémésy C. (2007). What kind of cereal products at breakfast? Les Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique 42, (6), 309-319.
  • Lioger D, Fardet A & Rémésy C. (2007). Quels types de produits céréaliers pour le petit déjeuner? Les Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique 42, (6), 309-319.
  • Fardet A, Canlet C, Gottardi G, Llorach R, Lyan B, Rémésy C, Mazur A, Paris A & Scalbert A. (2007). Whole-grain and refined wheat flours show distinct metabolic profiles in rats as assessed by a 1H NMR-based metabonomic approach. Journal of Nutrition 137, (4), 923-929.
  • Chaurand M, Rémésy C, Fardet A, Leenhard F, Bar-L'Helgouach C, Taupier-Letage B & Abécassis J. (2006). Influence of milling processing (roller and stone) on mineral content of conventional and organic cereal products. Tecnica Molitoria 57, (3), 290-302.
  • Scalbert A & Fardet A. (2006). Oxidative stress and antioxidants: Searching for a new paradigm. NAFAS 4, (1), 1-10.
  • Fardet A, Leenhardt F, Lioger D, Scalbert A & Rémésy C. (2006). Parameters controlling the glycaemic response of bread. Nutrition Research Reviews 19, (1), 18-25.
  • Chaurand M, Rémésy C, Fardet A, Leenhard F, Bar-L'Helgouach C, Taupier-Letage B & Abécassis J. (2005). Influence du type de mouture (cylindre vs meule) sur les teneurs en minéraux des différentes fractions du grain de blé en cultures conventionnelle et biologique. Industrie des Céréales 142, 3-11.
  • Fardet A, Abecassis J, Hoebler C, Baldwin PM, Buléon A, Bérot S & Barry J-L. (1999). Influence of technological modifications of the protein network from pasta on in vitro starch degradation. Journal of Cereal Science 30, (1), 133-145.
  • Fardet A, Hoebler C, Armand M, Lairon D & Barry J-L. (1999). In vitro starch degradation from wheat-based products in the presence of lipid complex emulsions. Nutrition Research 19, (6), 881-892.
  • Fardet A, Hoebler C, Djelveh G & Barry J-L. (1998). Restricted bovine serum albumin diffusion through the protein network of pasta. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46, (11), 4635-4641.
  • Fardet A, Baldwin PM, Bertrand D, Bouchet B, Gallant DJ & Barry J-L. (1998). Textural image analysis of pasta protein networks to determine the influence of technological processes. Cereal Chemistry 75, (5), 699-704.
  • Fardet A, Hoebler C, Baldwin PM, Bouchet B, Gallant DJ, Barry J-L. (1998). Involvement of the protein network in the in vitro degradation of starch from spaghetti and lasagne: a microscopic and enzymic study. Journal of Cereal Science 27, (1), 133-145.
  • Hoebler C, Guillon F, Fardet A, Cherbut C & Barry J-L. (1998). Gastrointestinal or simulated in vitro digestion changes dietary fibre properties and their fermentation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 77, 327-333.
  • Fardet A, Guillon F, Hoebler C & Barry J-L. (1997). In vitro fermentation of beet fibre and barley bran, of their insoluble residues after digestion and of ileal effluents. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 75, 315-325.